GWAR mit großem Comeback im Jahr 2017

GWAR – Das Comeback 2017!
Die Scumdogs of the Universe aka. Gwar kündigen ihr Comeback für 2017 an. Als am 23. März 2014, Frontmann Dave Brockie im Alter von 50 Jahren an einer Heroin-Überdosis starb, beschloss die Band eine Pause zu machen. Nun meldet sich die Band zurück und lässt verlauten:
…The band is working on a new album and a whole new show that will blow your minds faster and harder than a meth addicted hooker blows a paycheck. Also, GWAR are about to take on the craziest year of touring in the band’s recent history, and will be destroying North America literally all year! We are still lining up dates for the year long killing spree, but don’t worry Bohabs, GWAR will be coming to visit all of your little shithole towns, and together, we will Make America Bleed Again! And as a little treat for all you Bohabs, GWAR can confirm their first tour dates set for April. The Scumdogs will hit Reading, PA, Columbus, OH and will headline the Berserker Metal Fest in Detroit, MI. Tickets for all of these shows go on sale this Friday February 10th.
Details about the new album remain sketchy, partly because the band wants to proceed with great secrecy, and partly because they have been very busy playing Pokémon GO. Suffice to say that they are working an album that will change the world as we know it, altering the consciousness of all living things. More details about the recording will be made available “when we fucking want to tell you”, says guitarist Pustulus Maximus. We wait with (mastur) bated breath!!
Wir sind sehr gespannt, was uns da erwartet!!!
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- GWAR – Das Comeback 2017!:
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