CKY – Neues Album im Juni hatte im Juli 2016 das neue CKY-Album angekündigt, nun folgen die ersten Details. Der Silberling wird am 16. Juni 2017 über eOne erscheinen. Auch der Pre-Order-Modus ist gestartet und man kann neben der CD auch eine Vinyl-Ausgabe sowie diverse Merchandise-Pakete bestellen. Weitere Infos findet ihr HIER. Als Vorgeschmack zum Album veröffentliche die Band ein neues Musikvideo zum dem Song „Days Of Self Destruction“
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CKY spricht über das neue Album
Ginsburg sagte im Gepräch mit über die neue Single:
It’s where things could have ended up. I definitely was writing a lot of this record from that place. Like a phoenix, it burns itself alive and is reborn from its own ashes. ‚Days Of Self Destruction‘ is basically about the dangers of not learning from your mistakes.
Things fell apart for a minute or two. Challenge is something that CKY have never feared, but we almost got eaten alive by our own undoing. We’re older and smarter now. Any of the bad mojo in this band is gone, as well as any of the bad habits we’d developed over the years. We all got lost in a bit too much drinking and all types of things, but that’s out of the way now. We got a chance to grow up and we’re happier people. Now, we’re so clear—the music is just flowing directly through us without having to sort through all that bullshit.
Cover & Tracklist
1. Replaceable
2. Days of Self Destruction
3. Unknown Enemy
4. Head For a Breakdown
5. The Other Ones
6. Wiping Off The Dead
7. Lies From You
8. Better Than Get Even
[amazonjs asin=“B072BBHNY7″ locale=“DE“ title=“The Phoenix“]
- CKY – The Phoenix:
- CKY – Neues Album im Juni:
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