Massive Wagons hauen Full Nelson raus
Das englische Quintett Massive Wagons wird am 10. August 2108 ihr mittlerweile viertes Studioalbum Full Nelson über Earache Records (u.a. The Temperance Movement, Blackberry Smoke, Rival Sons) auf den Markt bringen.
12 Songs auf Full Nelson
Angeführt vom charismatischen Frontmann Baz Mills präsentiert uns der Hymnen-Rock-Act mit dem neuen Album 12 abwechslungsreiche Songs. Vom rockigen Opener Under No Illusion über das bluesige Feeling von Sunshine Smile hin zum langsameren, leidenschaftlichen und herzergreifenden Northern Boy bis zum schwereren Robot (Trust In Me). Der letztgenannte Song wurde übrigens von Mike Exeter (Black Sabbath, Judas Priest) produziert.
In diesem Jahr bestritt Massive Wagons auch schon mehrere ausverkaufte Headline-Shows, darunter The Borderline in London. Hinzu kamen Auftritte beim Download Festival und Camden Rocks; Steelhouse und Boomtown werden folgen. Leider sind aktuell keine bestätigten Termine in Deutschland bekannt.
Wie sich das neue Album Full Nelson so schlagen wird, dazu werden wir euch hier auf dem Laufenden halten.
Hauen Massive Wagons richtig einen raus?
Was die fünf Jung Baz Mills am Mikrofon, Adam Thistlethwaite und Stephen Holl an den Gitarren, Alex Thistlethwaite hinter dem Schlagzeug und Adam ‘Bowz’ Bouskill am Bass musikalisch so alles drauf haben, davon könnt Ihr euch aber schon hier überzeugen.
Denn die Band hat mittlerweile schon mehrere Musikvideos aus dem neuen Album Full Nelson veröffentlicht. Darunter befindet sich auch der schon 2017 veröffentliche Song Back to the Stack, ein Tribut an den Ende 2016 verstorbenen Rick John Parfitt.
Under No Illusion
Als erstes aber haben wir das aktuellste Video Under No Illusion für euch.
Sänger Baz Mills erzählt zu dem Song:
Under No Illusion is a song which as soon as we’d jammed it together, we kinda knew this was gonna be a single. It had that immediate feel. Some songs take the recording process before they are considered for a single release, but Illusion was instant. It’s a song which I suppose from a personal point of view is letting other bands know – bands on the rise – to watch out for the clowns in the industry; selfish people out purely for their own gain. Nothing wrong with furthering yourself at all, just not at the expense of others. We’ve met loads of ‚em, dealt with a few; so hard to spot often till it’s too late. A band absolutely needs a trustworthy team around it.
The song also just says don’t be scared to make decisions for the good of yourself and the band. Do your thing. I think when a band are doing what they feel best at – writing songs and performing without being contrived or staged, and just being themselves – it is a much more enjoyable process and it comes across in a much better way. Sometimes easier said than done, I know. There is a message in the song explaining exactly what I think of people praying on bands. I always loved the idea of stuff in song lyrics that is hidden or cryptic – gives it a new angle. I really enjoyed writing this one; thanks everyone for listening to it.“
Robot (Trust In Me)
Zum zweiten Video Robot (Trust In Me) sagt Frontmann Baz Mills folgendes:
Robot (Trust in Me) is us having a dig at angry online conspiracy theorists. For me, you can believe what you want – flat earth, dragons, lizard people, whatever; I’m totally cool with that – but I have experienced on numerous occasions the seething inner rage of the online theorist when people simply don’t agree or buy into it, which is also very cool with me haha, and it doesn’t sit well with said jobless, high-as-a-kite, angry angry man. ‚You’re all sheep!!! Are you fckin blind?! Can’t you see the numbers?!? If you take the number of letters in the numbers six six six and multiply them by how many brain cells I’ve destroyed constantly smoking super strength weed staring at my computer, then minus Jesus‘ age, subtract my Jobseeker’s Allowance and then divide by 9-11, multiply again by the combined age of Barrack Obama’s children and mother-in-law, you will come to the exact day and time the world might end!!! CAN’T YOU FCKIN SEE IT YOU SHEEP!!! YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!’… Yeah those people. I deleted from Facebook, surprise surprise, a very angry man with some horrible views, which is why I wrote a song about him. The track is not really like anything else on the album, it’s got a heavy groove, a little psychedelic perhaps. We really, really like it.“
A Tribute to Rick John Parfitt
Zum Abschluss noch das Video zum dem klasse Tributsong Back to the Stack. Alle Einnahmen daraus spendete die Band übrigens an den Teenage Cancer Trust.
Harte Fakten
Das Album Full Nelson wird am 10. August 2108 über Earache Records veröffentlicht.
Abschließend noch die Playlist:
1. Under No Illusion
2. China Plates
3. Billy Balloon Head
4. Sunshine Smile
5. Northern Boy
6. Robot (Trust In Me)
7. Back To The Stack
8. Hate Me
9. Last On The List
10. Ballad Of Verdun Hayes
11. Ratio
12. Tokyo
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- Full Nelson Cover: KINDA Agency
- Massive Wagons Band kl: KINDA Agency
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