THE SEA WITHIN – Interview mit Bassist Jonas Reingold
THE SEA WITHIN – Interview mit Bassist Jonas Reingold
Hi Jonas, thanx fort he chance to do this interview. My name is Amir, I´m a drummer myself and interested into music, as long, as I can think back. Here at, I´m doing basically everything and as I´m into prog music and associated styles, I got stuck with THE SEA WITHIN. So let´s get this started.
MH: first question…how and where do you like to spend your summer?
Ein Sommer mit Open Air Konzerten und Autocruisen…
Pretty much the way I´ve spend this summer so far. I did a lovely Italian/French/Spain tour in July with Steve Hackett, only outdoor shows. Nice weather. Then I spend a week in Corsica, drove around and decided on the day where to go and sleep. Then I have a few recordings to do, when I´m fed up with the sunshine. Recording bass for the upcoming Jordan Rudess-album.
MH: how did the idea to do THE SEA WITHIN come up and whose idea was it (who was the driving force)? When did you join in?
It was Thomas Waber (CEO Inside Out Music) and Roine Stolt who started to discuss if the world needed one more „supergroup“ They decided to go for it and asked me to participate. I got Tom Brislin, Marco Minnermann and Daniel Gildenlöw onboard. We started to compose individually and gathered the songs and met up in London in October 2017 and recorded the album.
MH: some oft he musicians involved (like Marco Minnemann or Roine Stolt) have been part of different bands and projects in the past. What was the interest to do another thing in cooperation with other musicians? What was your own motivation?
Wenn der FC Barcelona anruft…
My own motivation was that this was a chance to collaborate with great talents both instrumentally and compositional. It´s like you are a footballer and Barcelona FC asking you to join, you don´t turn that down, do you?
MH: how was the process in writing and recording all the songs, who had which part in that?
Everybody contributed to the project. Marco send me and Roine 25 tracks or something like that. Me and Roine wrote a bunch of songs even before asking the others, so we had plenty of material to choose from. I went to Daniel in Sweden to write a few days together. Then we tried to have democratic process choosing the songs. I think we picked like 90 minutes of music before going to the studio in London. Then we kind of produced it together on the fly.
THE SEA WITHIN – Interview mit Bassist Jonas Reingold
MH: of course one question, if a band or project releases a debut album is, whether there is a future together, meaning a second album in the future (I know, it´s hard to tell so shortly after the birth of number one, but how were the feelings and impressions!?)?
I think everyone is keeping the door open for a continuation of this band. We played the Loreley Nights of the prog in July and we´re booked for the Cruise to the edge 2019 in Feb. We are also currently looking into a European tour spring 2019 so after all that activity, we can make a decision, if we´re going to record a second one or not.
MH: can we expect a larger amount of live appearances around Europe in the coming months to see you guys and here all that music live on stage?
That will most likely happen yes. Spring 2019
MH: what are your personal plans for the next months to come regarding the aspect of music?
Viel zu tun und keine Langeweile…
Right now I recording some bass tracks for a few albums. Then I have two releases to prepare on my Reingold Records, Lalle Larsson´s trio album and the Swedish band Carptree´s upcoming album. They will be released later this autumn. I´m also putting a Karmakanic box together. It´s been a demand for the first 2 albums and I will throw in a few extra cd´s with live takes, demos, unreleased tracks etc etc. I´ll start a tour with Steve Hackett in the last week of September. We´re doing a tour in the UK with a symphony orchestra, that will be exciting.
MH: finally our interview partners always have the last words and so now you can send out a message to all our readers out there…
Support live music by coming to the shows. Buy the stuff from your favourite artist. It´s important that people understand that shows/records/merch is the only income we can get to do, what we do. Spotify and all that is great for the consumer and to get the band out there, but it really kills the income for the bands, unless you have a billion streams.
MH: thanx for your time and the answers to all these questions. And of course all the best for THE SEA WITHIN!!
Thanks, nice talking to you.
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