JIMMY EAT WORLD – Zusatzkonzerte im November
Jimmy Eat World – Zusatzkonzerte im November
Das ging ja mal schnell! Innerhalb von wenigen Minuten waren die drei Deutschlandkonzerte von Jimmy Eat World ausverkauft. Da der Andrang so groß war, kommen die Jungs bereits 2 Monate später im November zurück.
Tickets gibt es seit Freitag den 09.09.2016. Wer sich nicht gedulden kann ab sofort mit dem Code „GETRIGHT“ HIER sich Tickets sichern.
Die Zusatzkonzerte im November
12.11.2016 Stuttgart | Wizeman
15.11.2016 Hamburg | Große Freiheit
16.11.2016 Münster | Skaters Palace
17.11.2016 Wiesbaden | Schlachthof
Jimmy Eat World, mehr als ein One-Hit-Wonder
Die Band gibt es seit 1993 und man hat seitdem 9 Alben veröffentlicht. Der Durchbruch gelang den Jungs mit dem Song „In The Middle“ vom Album „Bleed American“, welches vor 15 Jahren erschienen ist. Dazu schrieb die Band auf deren Site:
Bleed American, the album, just celebrated it’s 15 year birthday.
I get asked by people sometimes what it’s like to play these (older) songs in two-thousand-whatever it may be now. They seem to be expecting an answer from me like, ugh… not that again. But nothing. Nothing could be further from the truth of what it’s like.
You can summon pretty much the history of recorded audio on-demand anytime you want from your phone these days. And seemingly exponentially more audio every week. With all of that competition for your listening time, the fact people built such lasting associations with these songs… is probably the highest compliment any musician can receive. And some are still building. Which blows my mind. The more time passes, the easier it is to really take in, appreciate and be grateful for anyone who is still around.
Man ist stolz
We were proud of what we made with Mark Trombino. But we had no idea how much the situation of our band would change once the music got out to the street.
So, thank you all for your interest in our songs new and old.
Found a link to our first TV spot ever. I remember I was totally sick that day and we were stressing out because right after filming we had to load out and get to El Ray for soundcheck. I also think I got a backstage intervention on me for using duct tape to hold my strap to my guitar and in the end, opted for the more professional look of no duct tape.
- JIMMY EAT WORLD – Deutschlandtour + neuer Track: www.amazon.de
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