Inglorious starten mit „We Will Ride“ in 2021

Inglorious neues Album „We Will Ride“ wird am 12. Februar 2021 via Frontiers EU erscheinen.
Shouter Nathan James und Phil Beaver stellten die britischen Hardrocker Inglorious neu auf. Mit Danny De La Cruz (Guitar), Dan Stevens (Guitar), Rob Lindop (Keys) und Vinnie Colla (Bass), spielten sie das erste Mal in dieser Besetzung neue Songs ein. Das ganze geschah mitten im Covid-19 Lockdown in Cardiff. Mit Einhaltung von Abstandsregeln und hygienischen Bedingungen, schafften es die Mannen um Nathan James, die 11 Songs des Albums fertigzustellen.
Inglorious „We Will Ride“ mit frischem Wind und Elan
“The writing for this album was honestly the most pleasurable and relaxed experience I have had as a writer,” sagt Sänger Nathan James. “We had so much fun and made sure not to force the songs that weren’t working. One of my favourite songs, ‘She Won’t Let You Go,’ was actually written by Danny and myself before he was even in the band.”
Und weiter sagt er: “I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to write about on this album due to Covid-19 pushing the recording back twice. I chose to write about things that have inspired me in the last two years. Like everyone right now, I am consuming much more TV than usual, in the form of dark and sinister Netflix documentaries mostly. These have definitely inspired the stories this time around. Our Producer Romesh Dodangoda has really made this album sound unlike anything we have created before,“ meint James zum Album.
Meinungen der Band zum neuen Album „We Will Ride“
Die anderen Bandmitglieder kommen ebenfalls zu Wort. “To me, this album is a snapshot of the combined musical expression we’ve created over the last couple of years. It’s amazing to think a lot of these ideas were developed in our homes and on tour. To hear them as finished songs is a fantastic feeling. I’m so proud to be part of this album with these world class musicians, and fantastic friends too,” sagt Gitarrist Danny De La Cruz.
Und Phil Beaver fügt noch hinzu: “I feel like the circumstances actually made this recording session really special. We’d all been in lockdown due to the pandemic and hadn’t seen anyone outside of our own homes for months. It was so much fun to not only be playing music again. But socialising as a band and having fun, whilst practicing social distancing as best we could. We laughed like little kids all day, every day!”
Die neuen Songs werden überraschen
“I’m so proud of how this album has turned out. The writing sessions were so organic and we even have a song on the album that was born from a soundcheck riff on the first tour we did together. The chemistry within the band was there from the start. It was a challenging experience recording an album during a lockdown with no pre-production. I can’t wait to share this album with everyone, and especially to play these songs live,” meint Gitarrist Dan Stevens.
Bassist Vinnie Colla berichtet stolz: “Recording the album during these crazy times we are facing was definitely one of the most challenging and amazing experiences I’ve ever been through. I’m so proud to be able to record such a high standard album with the most talented musicians and producer ever.” sagt Bassist Vinnie Colla.
Nathan James und Inglorious mit neuer Power
Soweit die Stimmen der Band zum neuen Album „We Will Ride“. Im Februar nächsten Jahres werden wir dann wissen, wie gut die Songs geworden sind. Die Powerröhre James und seine Mannen wollen unbedingt wieder live auf die Bühnen der Welt. Und wir können es gar nicht mehr abwarten, das überhaupt wieder Bands auftreten dürfen und können.

- She Won’t Let You Go
- Messiah
- Medusa
- Eye Of The Storm
- Cruel Intentions
- My Misery
- Do You Like It
- He Will Provide
- We Will Meet Again
- God Of War
- We Will Ride
Nathan James – Lead Vocals
Danny De La Cruz – Guitar
Dan Stevens – Guitar
Vinnie Colla – Bass Guitar
Phil Beaver – Drums/Percussion
Keys/Piano – Rob Lindop
Einen Vorgeschmack könnt ihr nachfolgend mit der ersten Single-Auskoppelung ‚She Won’t Let You Go‘ bekommen:
- Inglorious CD-Cover We will ride: cmm-consulting for music and media
- Inglorious Promofoto: cmm-consulting for music and media
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