Nuclear aus Chile beim Rage Against Racism 2023 – Unser Vorab-Interview
Die Redaktion von freut sich diebisch über das diesjährige Booking fürs tolle Umsonst und Draußen-Festival Rage Against Racism und hier vor allem auf das Thrash-Metal-Quintett Nuclear aus Chile. Schließlich waren Eugenio „Punto“ Sudy, Francisco Haussmann, Matías Leonicio, Sebastian Puente und Roberto Soto bereits 2017 zu Gast in der Mühle Friemersheim im schönen Duisburg-Rheinhausen-Friemersheim. Unser Chefredakteur Ralf ließ es sich nicht nehmen, vorab mit Sänger Matías und Gitarrist Francisco die guten alten Erinnerungen wieder hochleben zu lassen. Los geht´s mit unserem Interview mit Nuclear.
Herzlich Willkommen zurück, Nuclear!
- Hey guys, welcome back in Germany. Welcome back to the Rage against Racism Festival 2023 in Duisburg. Do you remember playing here 6 years ago?
Matías: Hey Ralf! Thanks for this interview and it is always a pleasure to have a chat with you and the guys from Yeah! I still remember that. I was very impressed with the vibe of the festival. Lot of metalheads everywhere, young people, old headbangers, families, kids, everyone enjoying a great meeting around metal. Our first time there was a blast, we had a lot of support from the crowd and very good comments of many metalheads after our show. Also, I have to mention the importance of the significant message behind the fest: stop racism. As human beings we all must fight against racism, homophobia or violence against women and children. We need to be conscious about that, we have the responsability to stop that. Back to your question: Definitely I have great memories of that show in Duisburg, can´t wait to be back there this year!
Über 30.000 Chilenen beim Facebook-Live-Stream 2017
- I still remember that we streamed your bombastic powerful show and more than 30.000 people in Chile saw this on Facebook which was incredible for our little non-profit magazine. So you seem to have a quite active and huge fan supporter base in your country, right?
Francisco: We remember perfectly. It was actually quite surprising for us too as we did not expect that crazy feedback on Facebook. We saw the video in London the next day and we couldn’t believe that amount of online viewers. In spite of that – I have to say RAR is easily one of the greatest places to play. Aside from the live performance, we had the time of our lives, met fantastic people and it will stay with us forever. We cannot wait to be there next month.
In regards to our fanbase in Chile, I think it is constantly growing. It is important to keep releasing new stuff and playing live everywhere you can. You get what you give and we always give our best, it is amazing having this crazy fanbase supporting all the time! Love it!
Mit Testament, Destruction & Brujeria auf der Bühne
- While playing great Thrash Metal since 1995 Nuclear is a real institution and legend in the Heavy Metal Business. You played dozens of festivals and concerts with bands like Testament, Destruction or Brujeria so far. Which band you would have joined on tour but never shared stage with?
Matías: Thanks for your kind words, it’s been a long time since the beginning of this music journey. We’re passionate fans and we love extreme sounds, would be a dream come true to tour with bands like Misery Index, Napalm Death, Benediction, The Exploited, Asphyx, Obituary or Discharge just to name a few. Just before pandemic we’ve toured with Abbath and it was great. If sounds lound and extreme, it feels good for us.
Aktuelles Album „Murder of Crows“
- You released your last album „Murder of Crows“ in year 2020 right in the beginning of the worldwide Covid pandemic. How did all this changed your personal and musical lifes until now?
Francisco: Ufff… A band or a band member will probably tell you that their latest work is the very best they’ve done. This might ot not be true depending on the eye of the beholder. That being said, Murder of Crows did change my personal and musical life, as for me, it is the best effort we’ve made. How we made it, when we made it, how it turned out, all mattered. It is very difficult to put feelings into words here, but I think this album marked some sort of a „new zero“ for everyone in the band.
Nicht verpassen: Nuclear – Samstag, 10. Juni, 17.40 Uhr
- Tough times for everyone. Well, coming to your gig in Duisburg, Germany. You will heading stage on Saturday at 5.40pm for about 50min playing time. Can you tell us some details about your setlist? Will we get songs in Spanish or English or both languages again? Do you have some brand new tracks for us?
Francisco: Español, English, you name it and we do have some new ideas but nothing too concrete to play live. However, we are unearthing some old tunes that are actually sounding way more brutal than before so be prepared for something unique. Also, be sure to spin some „Murder Of Crows“ before the gig because we are going to be playing a good chunk of It!!!! If you enjoyed that show in 2017, this one is going to be even better, faster and way more intense than the last.
Auf ein Bierchen backstage nach der Show
6. In year 2017 it was a great pleasure to have a talk and beer with you all together backstage after your show. Hope to see you there again. And now it is your time. What do you want to say to your German fans and our readers?
Matías: I remember that, was a cool talk in backstage, nice people, cold beers and good fun. We’re beyond happy to come back to Rage Against Racism and we can assure you guys a fierce display of southamerican noise on stage. We can’t wait to show to all you guys our new music and to receive your energy on stage. We’ll always be grateful of the opportunity to be part of the festival and since our very first european tour German metalheads have shown us a great support, so see you headbangers in few days, will be raw and heavy
Danke, Nuclear!
7. Thank you very much for this interview and see you in a couple of weeks. Cheers!
Matías: Thanks Ralf and and see you very soon in Duisburg, cheers mates!
Francisco: Vielen Dank für das interview! – Wir sehen uns brother!!! I cannot wait to come back to RAR!!! See you next month!
Mehr Infos zu dieser so sympathischen Band mit dem Riesen-Abriss-Sound findet ihr auf deren Webpage und natürlich hier bei uns! Alles Infos zum Rage Against Racism 2023-Festival findet ihr auf dieser Webpage.
- Nuclear: Nuclear / Photographer credits: Rene Bravo
- Nuclear: Nuclear / Photographer credits: Rene Bravo
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