MOTOGRATER – Neues Album im August

MOTOGRATER – Neues Album im August
Die Nu Metal-Pioniere von Motograter veröffentlichen nach dreizehn Jahren in diesem August ein neues Album. Die Band unterzeichnete einen Vertrag mit der EMP Label Group. Das namhafte Label wird vom Megadeth-Bassisten David Ellfson geführt. Für das Signing ist jedoch Thom Hazaert verantwortlich, der kürzlich über die Zusammarbeit sagte:
I was actually in (the late) Steve Richards (No Name Records) office the day he signed Motograter. And he was SO excited, going on and on about this amazing new band he just signed, that made their own instrument (The Motograter) etc.. Steve was such a cool and infectious guy, and brought such an amazing energy to everything he did, and to this day, that stuck with me. And now to be able to come back full circle and put out Desolation on EMP, all these years later, and kinda continue that legacy with the current lineup, is really an amazing middle to the story. These guys have worked SO hard for so long, and it is an honor to sign a band that works as hard as Moto does. Motograter, literally, should be the blueprint any hard touring independent band should follow.
Schlagzeuger Noah “Shark” Robertson fügt dem hinzu:
We are honored and very proud to be working with David Ellefson, Thom Hazaert and everyone else at EMP Label Group. We have fought tooth and nail to bring people new Motograter music. We can’t wait to unleash this voracious beast that is Desolation upon the masses.
Der Neue Silberling wird den Namen „Desolation“ tragen und am 25. August 2017 in Deutschland veröffentlicht. Als Produzenten konnte man Ahrue Luster, der besser bekannt ist als Gitarrist bei Ill Nino und einst Machine Head, gewinnen.
1. Parasite
2. Dorian
3. Victim
4. Paragon
5. Bleeding Through
6. Misanthropical
7. Daggers
8. Portrait of Decay
9. Locust
10. Rise (There Will Be Blood)
11. Shadows
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- Motorgrater – Desolation:
- MOTOGRATER – Neues Album: MOTOGRATER - Parasite Musikvideo/Flarelight Films
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