Oceans Of Slumber mit neuem Album im September
Gute zwei Jahre ist es nun her, dass „The Banished Heart“ erschienen ist. Doch nun ist neuer Stoff in Sicht. Für den 04. September 2020 planen Century Media Records den Release des diesmal selbstbetitelten Longplayers von Oceans Of Slumber. Geben wird das gute Stück natürlich digital, als CD und als Gatefold black 2LP+CD. Vorbestellen könnt ihr gerne schon mal hier. Bereits jetzt gibt es mit dem Video zu „A Return To The Earth Below“ einen ersten Appetithappen, viel Spaß:
Cammie Gilbert über die erste Single
Within ourselves, just as within our societies there are cycles that need to be broken. Cycles that hold us down, that tear us apart, that give us anguish. Sometimes without warning these cracks surface and they trigger a cascade of emotional vulnerabilities, emotional turmoil, even hopelessness. But at some point we must stop running. Stop running from the pain, stop running from the truth, stop running from ourselves. In the light of this self reflection is where we will find peace, both inwardly and outwardly. A Return To The Earth Below is about that journey. It is about the collision of the heart and mind in struggling to find that internal resolution. We feel that the timing of this single couldn’t be more appropriate, as we have all found ourselves at the crossroads of change.
Oceans Of Slumber – Line-Up und Kontakt
Cammie Gilbert – Gesang
Anthony Contreras – Gitarre
Sean Gary – Gitarre
Keegan Kelly – Bass
Dobber Beverly – Schlagzeug
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- Oceans Of Slumber Cover 2020: Head of PR
- Oceans Of Slumber 2020 720×340: Head of PR
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