HITTMAN – jetzt spricht Gitarrist Jim

HITTMAN – jetzt spricht Gitarrist Jim
We had the chance to ask the HITTMAN-frontman some questions. See the answers here. And why not ask guitarist Jom Bacchi the same questions and see, what he has to say! Let’s go!
Hi there. My name is Amir and as a team member of the music magazine metal-heads.de for fans of the heavy side of music, I’m interested to hear today, what you have to say regarding the questions; I’ve already asked your singer. Our attitude is: Distortion is our passion! So anything goes, using an electric guitar. With your job in the band, this criteria is fulfilled…hahaha! My review of your album is already up on our homepage since 13.09.2020. Just in time for the release date on 25.09.2020 (it´s in German though).
Distortion is his passion too…
JIM : Hi Amir….Distortion is my passion too.
MH: people familiar with the worldwide metal scene fort he past decades might know HITTMAN. I can remember (a little bit…it’s been a „while“) you. But many fans in the scene are from another generation. Lately you are back now. Can you please tell us, how this came up and how you decided to step back into business?
JIM : We got invited to play Keep It True 2018….also 2018 marked the 30th anniversary of our debut album. No Remorse records did a re-issue of it for the anniversary. The response from the Keep It True show was all the encouragement we needed, and we felt we really needed to make a new album, as we only released 2 previously, and they were both very different from each other.
MH: it’s been quite a while, since we heard from HITTMAN. Please let us know, how you spent the time meanwhile and kept so fresh and in shape. When I hear „Destroy all humans“ I cannot believe, that you have been away at all…
From metal to TV and film music…and back!
JIM : Well, I kept doing music in different genres, and eventually started doing music for TV and film. I have released several records from those projects and continue to. As far as HITTMAN goes….after HITTMAN stopped in 1994, I never really played in a metal band after that, so when it came time to playing metal again, I went back to the way we did it with HITTMAN….I didn’t feel the need to “modernize” or sound “current”….I guess you could call it “retro” or whatever…that’s fine with me. I like retro. I also prefer older, classic metal, when things were a little less….”perfect”, shall we say?

MH: I don’t know, if you like to categorize or to be categorized. But could you please – to give our readers an idea of what you sound like – find a description of your style of music.
Just call it metal…
JIM : I would say “classic metal” or “traditional metal”….Some call it “power metal”. I just call it “metal”.
MH: Maybe you agree…with the song „Code of honour“ I find a strong touch of QUEENSRYCHE. Which is cool, as it’s a great band. Apart from that, I’d say, you got your own „way“. What would you call your main influences?
JIM : Well, there is a definite QUEENSRYCHE influence in “Code of Honour”….it’s a song we wrote in 1987, so we were very influenced by them then. My main influences have always been JUDAS PRIEST, RUSH, MAIDEN, ACCEPT, UFO etc…the classic stuff, and of course, those early QUEENSRYCHE records were key.
MH: Metal music has gone through various changes in style and I think, the traditional bands and elements are still alive and on the other hand new influences are coming in. What is your opinion? And what are the basic trademarks, that it needs to make it good metal?
The trademark of good metal: good songwriting!
JIM : Well, I would say the most basic trademark to good metal is good songwriting. A great chorus, melody, hook etc…. Great riffs for sure, and of course, a nice crunchy guitar sound. Metal kind of got to a point in the late 80’s where the only thing that mattered was heaviness. That seems to have not really gone away. For me, good melodies matter as much as the heaviness. Having both is important to me.
MH: what musicians would you love to share the stage with and/or what band would you like to tour with and why?
JIM : Well, many of my heroes are now gone, but of the ones still touring…JUDAS PRIEST, IRON MAIDEN, for sure. I think the last JUDAS PRIEST records was one of the best records of their career, and MAIDEN still sounds amazing. It would be great to be on a bill with Michael Schenker too.
MH: regarding playing live – festival, club gig or big venue? There are various kinds of gigs to play for a band to play. Small sweaty club gigs, big venues or even stadiums and then these 3-day-festivals in front of 50.000 to 120.000 people. What kind of performances do you prefer and why?
A lot of sweety clubs – bring on some festivals
JIM : We’ve never played anything bigger than Keep It True, which was about 3000. So, being that I’ve never had a taste of playing to the BIG festival crowds….I’d like to try that out! Small, sweaty clubs….I’ve done lots of that, so I’m ok with some bigger gigs at this point – Hahaha!
MH: are there any plans for some touring maybe even in Germany or the Netherlands? Festival appearances in 2021? I mean, all being save and the conditions regarding „the virus“ under control at some point.
JIM : We would love to. Hopefully, this new album will help get us there. I love Germany, and I really want to visit all the countries I’ve never been….so bring it on…ALL of it !
MH: Coming towards the end, we have to talk a little bit about corona/covid-19. For many bands and artists it was a big strike in the career and well established business. For HITTMAN it just came in the moment, where you were starting into another round. What do you expect from the coming months regarding the music business?
More videos in the corona times…
JIM : Well, in the coming months, were just concentrating on promoting “Destroy All Humans”….expect to see videos, and whatever else we can do during this pandemic. When the live shows open back up, hopefully we’ll get on some of those festivals. We’re working on a video for the song “Total Amnesia” right now, and there will be more.
MH: what were your plans for HITTMAN, when you recorded the new material regarding the future? Are these plans still alive in this worldwide pandemic?
JIM : The plans were to make a great new album…one that the fans of the band would like. Beyond that, were just taking it as it comes along.
MH: the final words is always to our interview partners. Here YOU get the chance to tell the people out there something, that you think is important, regarding music in general, the latest album or whatever. So, here we go…
This album will not disappoint you!
JIM : I would say…if you’re a fan of classic style metal, give this new album a listen. It’s really made from those roots of early classic metal, only with some updated production. If you’re already a fan of the band, then I think this album will not disappoint. It’s made for fans of the first HITTMAN album. We really tapped into the original HITTMAN sound, even to the point of recording 2 songs from back in our early career…ones that we never got to properly record. That being said, I think there are a lot of fresh ideas, and a definite “maturity” to the record, that we couldn’t possibly have had 30 year ago. So it’s an interesting blend of old and new.
MH: thanx for sharing your time and all the info. I wish you all the best with the album and the future efforts and hope to see you perform live on stage at some point.
JIM : Thank you, and thank you for speaking with us! I hope to be out there performing as soon as possible.
- HITTMAN – Albumcover – Destroy all humans: SURE SHOT WORX
- HITTMAN – Albumcover – Destroy all humans – Beitragsbild: SURE SHOT WORX
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