PAPA ROACH – Neue Single „Crooked Teeth“

Papa Roach mit neuer Single
Was für ein Paukenschlag von Papa Roach! Am 1. November veröffentlichten die Kakalaken die neue erste Single aus dem kommenden Album. „Crooked Teeth“, so der Name des neuen Songs, wird die Old School-Fans besonders freuen. Irgendwo zwischen „Lovehatetragedy“ und „Getting Away with Murder“ schlägt das gute Teil mächtig ein und macht Lust auf mehr. Wann jedoch das neue Album erscheinen wird, bleibt abzuwarten. Kürzlich sagte Frontmann Jacoby im Interview mit The Scotty Mars Show:
„I definitely feel there’s a change in the sound of the band on this record, more so than in the past. Our goal was to go in and kind of shake things up on this record. This is our ninth or tenth album — I don’t even know now — and we just wanted to kind of go in there and freak it. So when we were picking producers, we wanted to go outside the box, so we picked these two young, up-and-coming producers from Los Angeles Nick [Nicholas ‚Ras‘ Furlong] and Colin [‚Doc‘ Brittain], and got in the studio with these guys. And, you know, they’re young — they’re, like, I guess in their late 20s, so they’re kind of like the younger bucks in the scene. And they were, like, ‚Yo, dude, we grew up on listening to P-ROACH, so we know what you guys are about. And let’s shake it up.‘ And so we went in. We started cutting tracks and then I just started rapping on a bunch of the tracks again and kind of bringing some of that old-school sound back mixed with where we have evolved to as a band. And so it sounds like if our first album, [2000’s] ‚Infest‘, had a baby with our third album, [2004’s] ‚Getting Away With Murder‘, and had a baby in 2016.“
„Crooked Teeth“ in voller Länge zum genießen
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- PAPA ROACH: (c) / Amir Djawadi
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