Rage Against Racism 2019 – Elvenking im Interview

Das diesjährige Rage Against Racism Festival nähert sich mit großen Schritten. Wir von metal-heads.de sind offizieller Medienpartner dieses tollen Festivals und haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht euch mit möglichst viel Informationen über die auftretenden Bands zu versorgen. Daher findet ihr bereits Interviews mit Jaded Heart, Dragonsfire, Necrotted, Parasite Inc. und Circus Of Fools bei uns und auch die Slot Battle Gewinner Tales Of Ratatösk haben wir nicht vergessen. Die deutsche Thrashlegende Destruction feiert gleich doppelte Weltpremiere (was genau erfahrt ihr hier) am 21. Juni in Duisburg und Schmier war auch schon mal Gastmusiker bei Elvenking, wie uns Gitarrist Aydan im folgenden Interview verraten hat. Aber vorab gibt es mit dem Video zu „The One We Shalll Follow“ etwas für die Augen und Ohren. Viel Spaß!
Elvenking – Pagan Metal since 1997
MH: Hello Elvenking. I’m Jörg aka soundchaser of metal-heads.de (MH) and first thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Perhaps, you could first introduce your band and your music to our readers?
Elvenking (EK):Well I hope that some of the readers already know the band. For those who really do not have confidence with the band Elvenking are what we define a Pagan Metal act, founded back in 1997 and with 10 albums on its back at the moment: we prefer this kind of definition because it does not define the style of music we play since it is a mixture of different influences and genres, from Acoustic Folk to Power metal with extreme influences from death and black metal.
MH: You are playing friday evening and after you will Destruction enter the stage. What a combination. What do you think of it?
EK: Oh it is going to be absolutely great, We love Destruction and we are big fan of the band since a lot of years. Probably not everyone knows that Schmier have been guest in our 2006 album „The Winter Wake“ singing the verses of the title track. It was an honour for us. So we are looking forward to see again the band live, especially with the new Line Up and Randy Black on drums!
Elvenking – new Album out on August 31th
MH: Your last album „Secrets of the Magick Grimoire“ is from 2017. Are you working on a new one?
EK: The new album will be released on August 31st and it called „Reader of the Runes – Divination“; we have just released the first song out of it. We strongly believe in this new album and we have the slight sensation that it could bring Elvenking to a next step, but let’s see what is going to happen.
MH: In Europe many countries are dealing with right wing politicians. The Rage Against Racism Festival stands against it. Is this a motivation for you too to play there?
EK: We are not a political band so I prefer not to discuss about it, because everyone has different opinions on different topics. For sure we play everywhere there is a right cause behind the concept of the manifestations.
MH: You are playing some festivals this summer. What about a Club Tour? Is there anything in the future?
EK: Yes this summer we will be busy in summer festivals as usual. We have been out on our European headlining tour this April and the reactions have been overwhelming, beyond our best expectations. So there is something really moving around Elvenking out there. We are already planning out South American tour and our next Headlining tour for 2020.
Elvenking are Ready to drink a beer with you
MH: First of all the Rage Against Racism is a music festival and all people are there to celebrate. Will you stay after your show for a few drinks and chats with your fans?
EK: For sure! We love to come out after the show and share some words and beers with fans and friends, so wait for us after the gig!
MH: The famous and unliked words are up to you… So, just let out what you want to say annd I say
EK: As said our new album „Reader of the Runes – Divination“ will be out end of august so be ready for it. It is going to be a long concept developed in more albums and this is going to be the first part of the story . It is definitely going to be something really Epic.
Elvenking – Line-Up und Kontakt
Damna – Gesang
Aydan – Gitarre
Rafahel – Gitarre
Jakob – Bass
Lethien – Violine
Lancs – Schlagzeug
Mehr zu Elvenking findet ihr auf deren Website oder bei Facebook. Das aktuelle Album „Secrets Of The Magick Grimoire“ könnt ihr zur Vorbereitung auf den Auftritt direkt über den Link unten bestellen. Wer nicht live vor Ort dabei sein kann, aber trotzdem alles wissen will, abonniert am besten unseren kostenlosen Newsletter. Wer uns bei Facebook folgt, verpasst auch nicht unseren Livestream vom Festival. Später gibt es natürlich noch eine Auswahl der schönsten Bilder bei Instagram und unser YouTube Channel wird um eine weitere Festival-Doku reicher sein. Schaut jetzt schon mal in die Berichte zu 2017 und 2018 rein und freut euch.
[amazonjs asin=“B075XPDP8N“ locale=“DE“ title=“Secrets of the Magick Grimoire“]
- Elvenking 720×340: amazon,de
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